Monday, March 9, 2009

It if wasn't for my Mom I would have died on the streets cold and hungry a long time ago

So the GYD meeting went very well! I learned a lot and I'm hopeful it will help me come up with new ideas for things to do around the village. However what was not awesome was on Friday night when the ATM machine ate my ANZ bank card and I got stranded with almost no money. I freaked out and called Peace Corps staff member who was very helpful kept me calm. Turned out the cards the machine eats get collected and you can just go to the bank and pick it up. Coincidentally, the banks were closed on Monday as it was the Prophet Mohammads birthday. I was going to just go back to the village and come back but 4 hour bus rides 6 times in a week did not intrigue me at all. Called my PM told her what was going on and stayed with a PCV in town. Today is Tuesday and I got my card back. However, I got the run around at the bank for about 2 hours and I missed my afternoon bus back to savusavu town...and from there i would have gone back to the village. So instead of getting into Savusavu at 9 tonight and paying for a hotel room for the night, i'm staying in labasa once more. I called my PM and when I said I missed my bus she laughed at me. Why does this shit always happen to me? It can never just be simple. Like I couldnt have lost my card on thursday night and gotten back the next day.. No, I had to loose it at the beginning of a long weekend.
I'm excited to get back and share with my counterpart what I learned at the conference and talk about future projects, as well as check on the status of some ongoing things we have working.
That's all for now,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Mom's the best! oxoxo