Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Power Rangers Jungle Fury is a stupid show

Can someone back home find out if you can get stuff called Natralla? They are like little protein balls of spongey goodness. I cant keep meat so they are my substitute and very easy to cook with. I'm contemplating going vegetarian for the rest of my peace corps time. It would be easy as pie to do here, i just wouldnt eat fish in the village...and restrain myself from ordering chicken enchillada's at the Captain's Cafe in town.
Glad to hear that Mems is doing alright after her big surgery. And thanks aunt donna for sending those e-mails with updates. I think my mom tries to shelter me from anything that she thinks will "upset" me so I get little to no news about matters of concern. Good thing Ashley can't keep her mouth shut or I'd never know anything. So yeah, it's been a year since I left, one year today. I feel good about that. I've seen and done a lot in Fiji and looking forward to part 2 of the whole experience.

Oh! and happy late birthday to my Pops. 60 years old. That's one year for every time you'd get mad doing yardwork or household maintenance. Priceless. Remember how you'd throw a fit every summer while trying to install the pool filter. Every year was a battle of wits against that unholy machine but you always pulled through with help from vulgar outbursts of profanities and sweat. Thanks for being you Dad! Love Ya!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

hahahahaha i can't wait for him to start working on the pool!!!