Friday, April 30, 2010


I didn't keep up with this blog at all in the last YEAR. My bad. I have less than 3 months left in my service before heading back to New England. Volunteers talk more about what is going to happen back home as oppossed to what is going on in the villages and peace corps work related stuff. For me, we had a huge rugby/netball tournament in the village last week. I worked to get sponsorship for it and 25 teams ended up coming. Between ticket sales and food and stuff the village made over 2,000 bucks in 2 days. In a few more weeks we're holding a big workshop with presentations from the University of the South Pacific, World Wildlife Fund and more. I feel like I can't do any more except hang out with my friends in the village and bond before I go. My time to just enjoy village life (and town days) is here. At the end of my peace corps experience I can look back and see that, despite my fears, I did make an impact in my community. I spent so long adjusting to village life, and food and customs and all sorts of bullshit. Now that I'm comfortable and happy I must depart. Can't say I'm too sorry about that. The plan is to move to Boston with my girlfriend and see what happens.

I have to say thanks to a lot of the volunteers i've been with out here for the last 2 years. The people on Vanua Levu are, for the most part, pretty awesome people. I can't imagine going through this experience without the moral support from my peers. We certainly had some fun too.

Now, if FRE-8's see this, I have some advice. Enjoy yourselves! Fiji can be a pretty frustrating place, so don't forget that a beer is only 3.50 fijian dollars. And also, one of you lucky people will be replacing me in my village on the north island. I don't leave the country until after you guys go to site, so we'll be sharing my house (or you can shack up at the tauranga ni koro's house). It'll be fun! By fun I mean cramped and smelly, because my one room house aint that big and it kind of smells like piss alot of the time for reasons unknown. And also there are giant spiders and rats. Welcome to Fiji. But on the bright side, you will have the novelty of living in a pretty awesome Bure for 2 years. I helped to build it when I first got here so you'll have to take good care of it...maybe buy a shelf cause I never did.

OK, so long forever internet blog. See you real life people in America!!!!!!
(I heard KFC has a bun-less chicken sandwhich called the 'Double-Down'? I told other volunteers about it and it makes our heads spin. "The breasts are the buns?!? Awesome!")


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